Audition Keyframe Effects

  1. Audition Keyframe Effects Free
  2. Audition Keyframe Effects 2020
  3. Audition Keyframe Effects Download
  4. Keyframe Effects In Audition
  5. Audition Keyframe Effects Software
  6. Adobe Audition Keyframe Effects

Activating tools (keyboard shortcuts) Note: You can activate some tools only under certain circumstances. For example, you can activate a camera tool only when the active composition contains a camera layer.To momentarily activate a tool with a single-letter keyboard shortcut, hold down the key; release the key to return to the previously active tool. Keyframe dragging is now limited until the clip edge and cannot be dragged beyond clip boundries. Equitable language: To better reflect core Adobe values of diversity and inclusion, we have replaced non-inclusive language and reference imagery in Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition.

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  • 1When to Edit in Audition?
  • 2Opening Premiere Project in Audition
  • 3Getting Your Audition Audio Back to Premiere
    • 3.1Export Audio as Multitrack Mixdown
  • 4Common Audition Mistakes / Issues

When to Edit in Audition?

Opt + A, P, S, R, T Alt + Shift + A, P, S, R, T on Windows As you probably know to set a keyframe all you have to do is hit the stopwatch icon next to the property you are trying to keyframe. However, if you are working with transform properties all you have to do is hold down option and hit the corresponding transform property. Adobe has been adding more of the audio effects from Audition into Premiere Pro. Audition can open a Premiere Pro project file and it will import the audio tracks and have a reference video track. Waveform Editor: The Waveform Editor can be used to process files before they are imported to Premiere Pro or an Audition multitrack session.

Audition can be helpful in editing audio for a Premiere Pro project. The Waveform Editor can be used to process files before they are imported to Premiere Pro. For example converting stereo files to mono. The Multitrack Editor can be used to mix the audio from a Premiere Pro project. Adobe has been adding more of the audio effects from Audition into Premiere Pro. Audition can open a Premiere Pro project file and it will import the audio tracks and have a reference video track.

Waveform Editor:

The Waveform Editor can be used to process files before they are imported to Premiere Pro or an Audition multitrack session.

  • The Waveform Editor in Audition is destructive.
    • This means that if you make an edit to your sound file and save it as the same name in the same location it was pulled from, the original file will permanently reflect the changes you made.
    • Always keep backups of your original audio files
  • The Waveform Editor is used for individual audio file manipulation/repair/prep, not for sequences.
  • Typically, you would edit files in the Waveform Editorbefore importing them into your Premiere Pro project.
    • Examples of work you might do include:
      • Converting stereo files to mono with Extract Channels to Mono Files
      • Trimming audio recordings. Taking a 30m minute recording of nature sounds and splitting up to short clips.
  • Since the Waveform Editor is destructive (changes are permanent), you should avoid making any extreme changes to your audio here.
    • If you are trying to create unusual sounds or sound effects then the Waveform editor can be a good place to process audio.
    • For many effects like equalization it's best to apply them in the Multitrack Editor or Premiere Pro
      • It is better to apply the effects when you are listening to the audio in the mix with other sounds.

Multitrack Editor:

The Multitrack Editor can be used to mix the audio from a Premiere Pro project. You should be done with editing the video before opening the mix in Audition.

  • The Multitrack Editor in Audition is non-destructive. This means that any effects or changes you make to your audio can be undone or modified at any time in the future.
  • The Multitrack Editor is where you can edit your Premiere Pro sequence audio.
    • You should have your Premiere project mostly completed (at least have the cuts where you want them) before editing the audio in the Multitrack Editor.

Opening Premiere Project in Audition

A Premiere Pro sequence can be opened directly by Audition:

  1. Open Audition
  2. Go to File > Open and select your Premiere Pro project file
  3. Click Open
  4. The Import a Premiere Pro Sequence window will open
  5. Select the sequence and click OK
  6. A new multitrack session will be created
    • It will contain the audio clips and volume and pan keyframes
    • If there are audio effects that also work in Audition they will be imported
  7. Go to File > Save
  8. Name the multitrack session and select a location to save it and click OK
  9. If you get a warning about copying the audio files click Yes


  • If your Premiere Pro sequence contains nested sequences, you will need to render the project in Premiere Pro before bringing them into Audition.

Getting Your Audition Audio Back to Premiere

When you are done with your mix you can export an audio file and manually import it into Premiere Pro or you can export a special file that will automatically import the mix into Premiere Pro. The final mix will be a stereo wav file with all of your tracks, edits, levels and effects mixed together.

Export Audio as Multitrack Mixdown

  1. Go to File > Export > Multitrack Mixdown > Entire Session
  2. Name the file
  3. Set the location in a folder with your Premiere Pro project
Import the Audio File into Premiere Pro
  1. Open the original Premiere Pro project.
  2. Import the audio file
  3. Add the audio file to the beginning of the new track (0min 0sec)
  4. Mute all of the other audio tracks
  5. Playback the project to make sure everything is in sync
  6. Export a video file from Premiere Pro

Export Audio Directly to Premiere

  1. Go to File > Export > Export to Adobe Premiere Pro
  2. The Export to Adobe Premiere Pro dialog will open
  3. Name the file. The default name should be fine. Make sure that the file ends in .xml
  4. For Location browse to your Premiere Pro project folder
  5. In the Options section select Mixdown session to and then select Stereo File
  6. Check the box Open in Adobe Premiere Pro
  7. Click Export.
  8. Premiere Pro will open
  9. Select the Premiere Pro project file that audio will be imported to
  10. Click Open
  11. In the Copy Audition Audio Tracks dialog select New Audio Track
  12. Click OK
  13. The audio fill will be imported into the new track.
  14. Mute all of the other audio tracks
  15. Playback the project to make sure everything is in sync
  16. Export a video file from Premiere Pro

Common Audition Mistakes / Issues

Here is a brief look at some common mistakes and issues you may encounter:

Clipping Audio

  • Make sure to keep an eye on the audio meter at the bottom of the screen, and/or the meter on the Master channel (at the bottom of the Multitrack Editor window.
  • If your audio hits or exceeds 0dB (indicated by red lights on your meter), you need to find a way to reduce the volume
    • (ex: Reduce clip/channel/master volume, manipulate 'volume envelopes'; apply a Limiter/Compressor, etc.).
  • If you allow your audio to hit or exceed 0dB it can have a variety of negative effects when played back including:
    • Distorted audio, digital artifacts, audio drop-out (little bits of silence where sound should be), damage to speakers, and more.

My Multitrack Session seems incredibly long! Why is that?

Audition Keyframe Effects Free

  • Usually caused by an audio clip accidentally being placed deep into the project, making it look incredibly long (much longer than intended).
    • Zoom in at the end of your sequence and delete/move audio.

Clip Effects vs. Channel Effects

  • Clip Effects are applied to an individual audio clip. You may have several clips in a single audio channel/track (such as Track 1) that can each have different Clip Effects applied to them.
  • Channel Effects apply to all clips on that channel/track.
  • If you use Envelopes to automate a Clip Effect, the envelopes will remain locked into position even if you relocate the clip in the timeline.
  • If you use Envelopes to automate a Channel Effect, the envelopes will not move along with a clip; the envelope will stay in one place even if you change the location of the clips on that channel.
    • For more information about Envelopes you may visit this Adobe Help page: Automating mixes with envelopes

Effects Compatibility

Audition Keyframe Effects 2020

  • Some effects are only in either Audition or Premiere Pro, but not in both. This can cause a lot of confusion.
  • For a list of these effects see our Audio Effects Compatibility article

Audition Keyframe Effects Download

Retrieved from ''

Note: This excerpt does not include the lesson files. The lesson files are available with purchase of the book.

  • ...the visuals and the audio have to be of a certain quality before I start to get excited about the thing.
  • —Hans Zimmer

In video and film, it’s been said that audio is the most important thing to get right, and I agree with that statement. In fact, in the old days of silent movies, the movie theater would hire a professional musician to improvise and live perform a score while the movie was playing. Even then, moviemakers and theater owners understood the power of audio when viewing a feature film. Audio has the power to change how you feel about a character, the power to affect your mood, and definitely the power to change a mere adventure into an epic story.

However, I find that most people in my classes lack basic audio knowledge and the know-how to create a good, solid audio mix of their work. In many cases, even good and experienced editors have never seen an audio engineer at work, and have no idea about how to start. So, they’ll experiment with different volume levels and effects, trying to get a good mix and balanced audio. But without basic knowledge of what to do, they usually fail.

Most people perceive video as being of lower quality if the audio is low quality, which means that you can improve your production quality by improving your audio quality.

Although this book is about postproduction, keep in mind that maintaining good quality audio in the production process will be invaluable in the postproduction stage. “Fixing audio in post” is unrealistic and will rarely yield good results.

This chapter will help you start to generate great audio in your program. Because you don’t always get to work with perfect audio, this chapter also features a section on how to fix common audio problems using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition CC. From setting up your working environment to adjusting levels to adding effects, you’ll work with audio just like the pros do.

Listening Environment

Keyframe Effects In Audition

The importance of your listening environment cannot be overstated. Two tools will determine how you treat your audio: your ears and the equipment that gets the sounds to them.

Your Ears

Some people are born with natural abilities that make their perception of audio and therefore their processing tasks very easy for them; others are not. Just like any other skill, you can train your ears to detect the nuances of audio. You can also train your ears to know what to do to adjust your audio to get the desired results. Perceiving good audio does not happen overnight; sometimes it takes years of training. I recommend constantly comparing your work to the original recording (unprocessed) and to recordings that you know are good and that you like. Start training your ears to hear what you’ve been missing!

Equipment and Your Audio Setup

Audition Keyframe Effects Software

Having sounds get to your ears in the most accurate way possible is essential to the successful mixing and mastering of your program. Needless to say, you should work in a quiet room. But besides quiet, you can use certain equipment and do many things to improve the way you listen to your audio in your editing space. Some of them are costly (a pair of quality monitor speakers will set you back a few dollars), and some don’t cost a penny:

  • Quality of speakers. Get the best speakers you can afford. A wide variety of models and sizes (and prices) are available. Educate yourself as to what the best models and sizes are for your room and your work (speaker manufacturer websites are an excellent source of information). Your speakers don’t have to necessarily be huge and or extremely expensive. They just need to have a decent response to the signal that is being fed to them. If possible, try to use speakers in two different sizes: larger ones (not necessarily big; mine are bookshelf size) and smaller ones so you can compare what your program will sound like on two different systems. Make sure that the same output from your system feeds both pairs.
  • Wall material. Various materials will have distinct sound absorption properties. One side of the room may be brighter than the other, and your mix will suffer. If is not that difficult and not very costly, make sure all of your walls use the same type of absorption material (foam, curtains, Sheetrock, etc.).

  • Position the speakers. Assuming you have decent speakers, follow these guidelines for the best positioning:

    • Try to place yourself in the middle of the speakers. They should be at the same distance on the left and on the right (the “sweet spot”) (Figure 4.1). If they are small, bookshelf-type speakers, position them between three and four feet from your head. The size and position of the speaker is referred to as a near-field monitor, because they are near the listener and therefore are minimizing the room’s influence on the audio waveforms.

      Figure 4.1 Position your speakers so you’re in the “sweet spot,” preferably in the center of the room away from corners.

    • Ensure that some space is between the speaker and the wall. This will prevent the wall reflection from distorting how the audio gets to you.
    • Avoid placing speakers in the corners of the room. All of your walls reflect sound waves, so your ears will receive audio that is not quite accurate if your speakers are in the corners of the room. Some extra reverb or distortion may be added, which will cause you to overcompensate and deliver a faulty mix or implementation of effects.
    • Speaker height. Consult the manufacturer for the correct speaker height. But sometimes all you need to do is place the speakers at ear level. You may need to purchase a pair of short pedestals from a local pro-audio distributor to achieve optimal elevation.
  • Listen to good recordings. After you’ve placed your speakers correctly, listen to tracks that you know well and know are mastered correctly. Try to match the genre of the tracks. For example, if you are mixing audio for a commercial, listen to a commercial that you like and compare your mix with the commercial. You can then judge how the speakers sound. Pay close attention to the evenness of the audio, and make sure that the audio is balanced in the left and right channels. Make adjustments to the speakers if needed.
  • Speaker volume. Play tone through the speakers and adjust the volume until the level is comfortable, as if someone is speaking normally to you in the room (do this for both sets of speakers, if it applies). You can find tone by choosing File > New > Bars and Tone or File > New > HD Bars and Tone. Thereafter, do not adjust the level of the speakers (or of your computer’s audio). If you alter the speakers’ volume, you’ll throw off your sense of level and never be sure about the levels of your program.
  • Headphones. Sometimes, you’ll need to keep your sound volume to a minimum, forcing you to wear headphones. Headphones have both good and bad qualities to them.

    If you combine a set of high-quality, professional headphones with a clean amplification system, you can get the most accurate and uncolored sound content. You won’t need to consider room acoustics or other problems because when you rotate your head, the headphones will rotate with you, which means that no matter what you will always be in the “sweet spot.”

There are also negative aspects to wearing headphones:

  • Your ears get tired more easily. Most earphones are uncomfortable, and you tend to raise the audio level.
  • Frequency response varies. The frequency response of the headphones can be quite different from that of loudspeakers, so you will get a false sense of what the mix sounds like. You might overcompensate with various forms of sound treatment like EQ, reverberation, and so on.
  • Waveform refers to waves. Sound moves in waves. Lower tones, particularly deeper/bass tones, have a wave that can be as long as six feet, making them difficult to truly represent in headphones.

Adobe Audition Keyframe Effects

Adobe Premiere Pro’s Workspace

As you know, you can change Adobe Premiere Pro’s workspace to suit your needs. I usually change the workspace when working with audio because doing so places the panels that I use the most in a place that I can easily find. Changing workspaces is easy, and Adobe Premiere Pro ships with predesigned workspaces that are very convenient. The one I use for audio editing is the Audio workspace. To access this workspace, choose Window > Workspace > Audio (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2 Adobe Premiere Pro lets you change your workspace to suit your audio needs.