Drosten Twitter


From tattoos to Twitter fan clubs, virologists around the world have become the new celebrities of the COVID-19 crisis. But their star status has also made them the target of public anger and even death threats.

What's the latest research on COVID-19 in children? How likely is it that someone will develop immunity? Why are you continuing this podcast despite getting death threats?

Ard Drosten

That's a lot of territory to cover in one episode, but it's what Dr. Christian Drosten has been doing for weeks now throughout the pandemic.

Christian Drosten Twitter

The 48-year-old is Germany's foremost coronavirus expert and the chief virologist of the Charite Hospital in Berlin — and he also happens to have one of the most popular podcasts in the country.

The German virologist Professor Dr. Christian Drosten is THE face of the current corona crisis! The weekly magazine Stern even ran the headline in March 2020: “The coronavirus has made virologist Christian Drosten the most sought-after man in the Republic, and a star.”1 For it was Christian Drosten who developed the PCR Corona test in.

The graph represents a network of 12,700 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained 'Wodarg OR Drosten', or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18,000 tweets. The network was obtained from Twitter on Wednesday, 18 March 2020 at 18:25 UTC. The tweets in the network were tweeted over the 2-day, 9-hour, 53-minute period from. When a Bild reporter contacted him and demanded answers to a series of questions within an hour, Drosten declined to respond and instead posted the journalist’s email on Twitter. The latest tweets from @AlexanderKekule.

Drosten regularly briefs top German officials like Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn

'Das Coronavirus' podcast with regional public broadcaster NDR has topped the Apple podcasts charts in Germany for weeks and currently ranks among the top 5 on Spotify.

In his latest episode released Tuesday, Drosten said he is confident that those who have recovered from the virus will be protected, at least for a while. 'This isn't a black-or-white effect, but these gray-area effects are also important in epidemiology,' he said.

Read more: COVID-19 ICU nurses at their limit

Drosten Twitter Mutation

The ability to explain this gray area to a general public desperate for information has transformed Drosten and experts like him into coronavirus rock stars.

Germany's newest celebrities

Although he is Germany's most prominent COVID-19 expert on the international stage, Drosten isn't the only virologist who has risen to fame in Germany during the outbreak.

In early April, the mass circulation Bild newspaper asked its online readers which of Germany's virologists they trust the most — comparing each one like a contestant in a reality TV show competition.


One of the top picks was Dr. Hendrik Streeck, head of the Institute of Virology at Bonn's University Clinic. Streeck heads a team of researchers who are studying the spread of the virus in the western district of Heinsberg, once the epicenter of the outbreak in Germany.

Described by Bild as 'the heartthrob among virologists,' Streeck regularly posts updates on his Twitter account, which has tens of thousands of followers. Although his posts are usually virus updates or links to articles about the preliminary results of his study, his most-liked tweet in weeks was a post introducing the world to his family's new puppy.

Another prominent face during the outbreak has been virologist Dr. Alexander Kekule. A regular guest on several German talk shows, the 61-year-old grew to prominence at the beginning of the crisis for sparring with politicians and criticizing their virus response. He also launched his own coronavirus podcast, 'Kekule's Corona-Compass' on MDR, another regional public broadcaster.

Tattoos, bobbleheads and star turns

The phenomenon is not a purely German one. Around the world, virologists, epidemiologists and other COVID-19 experts have risen to prominence in their home countries as sources of reliable information and voices of reason in uncertain times.

In the United States, the country's leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has amassed an almost cultlike following. The 79-year-old's statements during press briefings stand in sharp contrast to the remarks delivered by President Donald Trump, who recently floated the widely debunked idea of disinfectant injections as a COVID-19 treatment.

Read more:Revealed: How the US gun lobby exploits the coronavirus pandemic to further its aims

Fauci's likeness has been printed on T-shirts, donuts and prayer candles — with plans in the works to turn him into a bobblehead. New York Times journalist Erin McCann wrote on Twitter that at least one bar had his picture propped in the takeout window.

Fauci fan clubs have also popped up on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, garnering tens of thousands of followers. An online petition to crown Fauci People magazine's 'Sexiest Man Alive' has garnered over 25,000 signatures.

The 'Sexiest Man Alive' title is not as far-fetched as it may sound. Actor Brad Pitt recently portrayed Fauci on an episode of the late-night comedy show Saturday Night Live, after Fauci jokingly suggested the actor should play him.

Even local and state health leaders have become minor celebrities amid the pandemic. Dr. Amy Acton, the head of Ohio's state health department, has become one of the most recognizable of such figures. She has also been honored with a bobblehead. Ohio was one of the first US states to shut schools and enact strict stay-at-home measures, with Acton calmly urging the public to take the pandemic seriously from the beginning.

More than 133,000 people are currently members of a Facebook group dubbed the 'Dr. Amy Acton Fan Club,' where users regularly post screenshots from press conferences and homemade tributes.

Read more:Lifting lockdowns, European countries go their own way

In Sweden, some are taking their adoration a step further. One man had the face of the country's chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, tattooed on his arm.

Tegnell has been behind Sweden's controversial approach to the outbreak, which has relied on voluntary social distancing measures and good hygiene in lieu of closing restaurants and schools. The measures have drawn serious criticism from Sweden's neighbors and scientific experts alike, but opinion polls show a majority of Swedes have a high level of confidence in the country's Public Health Agency.

Anders Tegnell, Sweden's chief epidemiologist, has become popular for his approach to the outbreak

Roles as political advisers

Virologists, epidemiologists and public health experts now take center stage in press briefings alongside world leaders, with journalists and audiences hanging on their answers like never before.

As governments weigh the next steps on when and how to lift lockdown measures, the role scientific experts play in political decision-making has also come under scrutiny.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn receive regular briefings from research institutes and coronavirus experts, Drosten included.

Read more:Why the world is looking to Angela Merkel

Streeck has also been advising Armin Laschet, the premier of Germany's most populous state North Rhine-Westphalia, where the former virus hot spot of Heinsberg is located.

Streeck, 'the heartthrob among virologists' according to 'Bild'

Laschet has been pushing for lockdown measures to be loosened more quickly, recently saying in a Deutschlandfunk radio interview: 'Virologists can't tell me what [decisions] I should make.'


In recent weeks, German media has been flooded with articles on whether virologists 'have too much influence' over the measures — a notion strongly rejected by the scientists themselves.

'Politics makes the decisions, not science,' Drosten said in a podcast in late March. The role of scientists is to generate data and attempt to explain what is going on, he said.


'I get death threats'

As countries around the world begin to flatten the curve, and with the public and businesses itching to return to a semblance of pre-pandemic life, scientific experts advising caution have become targets for frustration — and even hate.

In early April, US media reported that Fauci's security detail had been increased due to growing threats against the medical expert, with police reportedly stationed around the clock outside his home.


Drosten revealed in an interview with British newspaper The Guardian that he has also received death threats. The revelation sparked headlines across Germany, prompting political leaders like Bavaria State Premier Markus Söder to jump to the defense of virologists.

Some Germans have demanded that Christian Drosten reisgn — or even sent death threats

In his interview with The Guardian,Drosten said many view him as 'the evil guy who is crippling the economy.'

Christian Drosten Sars

'I get death threats, which I pass on to the police,' he told the newspaper. A spokesperson for the Berlin police declined to comment to DW on the threats.

In an episode of his podcast in early April, the virologist said he received an email holding him personally responsible for the death of Thomas Schäfer, the finance minister for the state of Hesse. Schäfer died in a suspected suicide at the end of March, with officials at the time saying he was worried about managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

When asked on his podcast this week about why he continues to work so publicly despite the potential threats to his personal safety, Drosten made clear that he strongly believes in the progress Germany has made and is committed to helping maintain the country's early wins.

'People are asking how the Germans managed this. There are two components: the early and broad availability of diagnostic tests and the belief in science — in politics as well as in the general public,' Drosten explained.

'I don't see why we should throw that overboard now,' he said. 'That's the reason why am continuing.'

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Graffiti masks

    Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, protective masks have started appearing in street art around the world. This piece on a roof terrace in Athens is by 16-year-old graffitist S.F. Banksy's 'Girl with a Pierced Eardrum' also recently gained a coronavirus face mask.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    A trendy accessory

    Fashion designers have been coming up with creative variations on the new accessory. But not all designs would obtain the WHO's seal of approval. This mask made out of delicate organza fabric was presented at New York Fashion Week in February 2020 — shortly before the city turned into an epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Masks on the catwalk

    The masks worn by models in New York looked more like pieces of jewelry than protective equipment. With medical masks being rationed for health professionals, fabric facial coverings are an alternative that's better than no mask at all. Fashion-conscious people can make a statement with their individualized designs.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Designer masks

    While the economy is suffering from the impact of the crisis, many designers are turning to protective masks to make up for their losses. Fashion start-ups in Berlin, Cologne and Munich are currently sewing colorful face coverings. They may end up being part of museum exhibitions examining the fashion trends that emerged from the coronavirus crisis.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Matching with the bow tie

    A Berlin tie manufacturer offers exclusive masks for the elegant man who wants to maintain his high fashion standards during the pandemic. Made of woven silk fabrics, some of this company's models, with matching neckties or bow ties, were sold out immediately.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Inspired by traditional motifs

    New mask regulations went into effect throughout Germany on April 27. But each state in the country is in charge of determining its own specific rules. Regional identity is also expressed through the patterns of some of the masks. These Bavarians are wearing a mask inspired by their national flag, with white and blue lozenges and a depiction of King Ludwig and Empress Sisi.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    A creative variety

    There are no limits to the design of the individual masks, and the fabric is washable. Those who prefer to avoid putting their delicately crafted models in the washing machine all the time can also place them in boiling water to remove bacteria and viruses, and then let them air dry.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    What day is it again?

    Having a larger collection of masks will allow you to wear a new one every day, while the others are in the wash. Organized people will certainly create a proper hanging system for their masks, such as this one offering a new option for every day of the week.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    The ecological model

    Anyone who thinks fashion accessories are superfluous consumer goods can also improvise with natural materials. It's important to keep the nose and mouth covered. This Palestinian girl in the Gaza Strip used a big cabbage leaf and a rubber band.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    Monuments with masks

    In the city of Bremen in northern Germany, the statue of the four 'Bremen Town Musicians' also got a coronavirus mask. The donkey, dog, cat and rooster featured in a Grimm's fairytale are famous all over the world. The city attract thousands of tourists every year — but that's obviously not the case now.

  • Getting creative with face masks

    A symbol of the times

    A mask has also been added to this massive outdoor sculpture on a square in Krakow, 'Eros Bendato' (Bound Eros), created by Igor Mitoraj. The artist, who died in 2014, is renowned for his monumental works referring to the struggle and suffering of 20th-century Europe.

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