Latex Editor

  • LaTeX Editor is an application which uses LaTeX (a typesetting system based on TeX) to automatically generate high-quality formula images and these images can be saved to the local.This application is especially applicable to generate various types of complex formulas.What's more, a large number of predefined character sets can make everyone get started easily.
  • These editors have ample features to create LaTeX equations, such as LaTeX symbols, Greek letters, functions, matrices, arrows and tables. LaTeX (pronounced as la -tek) is a document markup language, commonly used in scientific field for documentation.
  • LaTeXDraw is a graphical drawing editor for LaTeX. LaTeXDraw can be used to 1) generate PSTricks code; 2) directly create PDF or PS pictures. LaTeXDraw runs on top of Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. Latest version: 4.0.3.

Compile LaTeX, knitr, literate Agda, literate Haskell, or Pweavedocuments from within Atom.


Overleaf - Our Choice. A lot of templates. It makes writing, editing, and publishing documents.


Use the Atom package manager and search for 'latex', or run apm install latexfrom the command line.


TeX distribution

Latex Editor

A reasonably up-to-date and working TeX distribution is required. The onlyofficially supported distributions are TeX Live, and MiKTeX. Although,the latter is not as well tested and supported as TeX Live, hence using TeX Liveis highly recommended.

You need to ensure that the package can find your TeX distribution's binaries;by default the package uses your PATH environment variable, as well as thefollowing search paths on Linux and macOS

  1. /usr/texbin
  2. /Library/TeX/texbin

and on Windows it uses

  1. %SystemDrive%texlive2017binwin32
  2. %SystemDrive%texlive2016binwin32
  3. %SystemDrive%texlive2015binwin32
  4. %ProgramFiles%MiKTeX 2.9miktexbinx64
  5. %ProgramFiles(x86)%MiKTeX 2.9miktexbin

If your TeX distribution's binaries are not installed in one of those locationsor discoverable via the PATH environment variable, you will need to help thepackage find the binaries. This can be done by setting the TeX Pathconfiguration option to point to the folder containing the binaries, either inthe settings view, or directly in your config.cson file. See Configurationfor further details regarding the settings of this package.

Syntax Highlighting

In order for this package to behave as expected, your Atom environment mustcontain a package that provides a LaTeX grammar. We suggest language-latex,but other valid options might exist. Additional syntax packages may be requiredto build document types other than LaTeX. For more details seeBuilder Capabilities below.

Builder Selection

The latex package provides access to two automatic builders for LaTeX andknitr documents. By default the package will use latexmk for LaTeX documentsand an included builder to prepare knitr documents for latexmk. In this casean up to date installation of latexmk is required. If you're using TeX Livethen you need only insure that latexmk is installed and up to date using theappropriate package manager. If you're using MikTeX then see how to uselatexmk with MiKTeX.

The JavaScript based DiCy builder may also be used for all documents byselecting the Use DiCy option in the settings page. DiCy will be installedautomatically and so no further action is required for either TeX Live orMiKTeX.

Builder Capabilities

Document types other than LaTeX documents may be processed by this package. Theavailability and behavior of this feature depends upon the specific builderselected. The following table details the different types of documents that maybe processed by each builder and any additional syntax package requirements.

Document Typelatexmk based BuilderDiCy BuilderRequired Language Packages
knitrYesYeslanguage-r and language-knitr
literate AgdaNo preprocessingYeslanguage-agda
literate HaskellNo preprocessingYeslanguage-haskell


The latex:build command can be invoked from the LaTex menu or by pressing thedefault keybind ctrl-alt-b while in a LaTex orknitr file. Log messages and any other messages from the build may be seen inthe LaTeX log panel accessible from the status bar.


The latex package supports other commands as detailed in the table below.

latex:buildctrl-alt-bBuild LaTeX/knitr file and open result.
latex:rebuildNoneForce a rebuild of LaTeX/knitr file.
latex:cleanctrl-alt-cCleanup files after a build.
latex:killNoneTerminate currently running build. Also available from status indicator.
latex:syncctrl-alt-sUse SyncTeX forward if possible from the current cursor position.
latex:sync-logNoneDisplay and highlight log messages from the current cursor position.
latex:check-runtimeNoneCheck for the existence of latexmk, Rscript and PDF/PS/DVI viewers.

Overriding Build Settings

Many of the build settings in the settings page of the latex package can beoverridden on a per file basis. One way to override specific build settings isto use 'magic' TeX comments in the form of % !TEX <name> = <value>. Anotherway is to use a YAML formatted file with the same name as your root LaTeXfile, but with an extension of .yaml. The settings and values that canoverridden via either method are listed in the table below. If multiple settingnames are listed then the first is preferred and following names are availablefor compatibility. More details can found at Overridding Build Settings.

cleanPatternscomma separated patterns, e.g. **/*.blg, fooSpecify patterns to use for latex:clean
enableSynctexyes, no, true or falseOverride SyncTeX setting
enableExtendedBuildModeyes, no, true or falseOverride extended build mode setting
enableShellEscapeyes, no, true or falseOverride shell escape setting
engine or programpdflatex, lualatex, etc.Override the LaTeX engine to use for build.
moveResultToSourceDirectoryyes, no, true or falseOverride move result to source directory setting
outputFormat or formatdvi, ps or pdfOverride the output format
jobNames, jobnames or jobnamecomma separated names, e.g. foo, barControl the number and names of build jobs. Only a single name can be used for jobname.
outputDirectory or output_directorydirectory path, e.g. buildSpecify the output directory that should be used.
producerdvipdf, dvipdfmx, xdvipdfmx or ps2pdfOverride the PDF producer
rootfile path, e.g. ../file.texSpecify the root file that should be built. Only available via 'magic' TeX comments.

There are additional settings that may be configured for the DiCy builder thatmay not be accessible from this package's setting page, but can be set via aYAML options file or TeX magic comments. For more details please seeOptions and Configuration in the DiCydocumentation.

Latex Editor Led

PDF/DVI/PS Viewers

The latex package currently supports Atril, Evince, Okular,pdf-view, Preview, Skim, Sumatra PDF, Windows shell open,xdg-open, Xreader and Zathura as PDF/DVI/PS viewers. This includessupport for cursor synchronization via SyncTeX if possible. Specific features ofeach of the viewers is detailed at Supported Viewers.

Development status

Please note that this package is in a beta state. It is stable, but lackssome important features.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

NOTE:latexmk does not support file paths containing special characters such as ~. To partially circumvent this, add useRelativePaths: true to your config file like so

When set, this package will use a relative path in place of an absolute one. This will allow latexmk to compile projects stored in directories that contain special characters. Note that the project itself must not contain special characters in its directory or file names.

This feature has not been fully tested yet, and there are no guarantees it will work in all cases. Please raise an issue if you find a case where it fails.


Visit the licence page to see the conditions governing the usage of LEd.

Main package

LEd is distributed in two alternative ways: a single zip archive and an installation package. For the zip archive, you only need to download the file to your hard disk and extract it into the directory you want. Then, you can run LEd.exe and start working. No installation process is needed. For the installation package, you should download the setup executable file and run it to install LEd.

LEd Standard Edition version 0.53 beta
(build 6501)
2009-10-09 5922 KB 5794 KB


  1. LEd is free, however, if you want to support us, please consider a donation.
  2. For previous versions of LEd please visit the download—archive page.


LEd 0.51 and MiKTeX 2.7

To enable the build-in DVI viewer when working with MiKTeX 2.7 please follow these steps:

  1. Download the dvi_miktex27.dll file.
  2. Copy this file to the MiKTeX 2.7 executables directory (e.g., c:miktex27miktexbin).
  3. Run LEd (if not working) and:
    1. open Configuration/Options dialog,
    2. open Application/DVI viewer section,
    3. set TeX distribution to based on MiKTeX,
    4. set font searching library to dvi_miktex27.dll,
    5. set font making script to makepk.exe,
    6. set TeX executables to the directory containing MiKTeX 2.7 executables (e.g., c:miktex27miktexbin).
  4. Restart LEd.

After installing the future release of LEd you will be able to remove this file from the MiKTeX directory and select the TeX distribution to MiKTeX 2.7.

LEd 0.51 and MiKTeX 2.6

If your build-in DVI viewer does not show anything please download the dvi_miktex26.dll file. Then, close LEd (if opened) and copy this file to the main LEd folder (containing LEd.exe) overwriting the existing dvi_miktex26.dll file.

If your build-in DVI viewer works we recommend to refrain from appling this patch.

LEd 0.46 and MiKTeX 2.5

To make the build-in DVI viewer in LEd 0.46 or earlier working under MiKTeX 2.5 please follow the instruction below.

  1. Download the dvi_miktex25.dll file.
  2. Start LEd.
  3. Open the ConfigurationOptions menu, select the ApplicationDVI viewer section, and do:
    1. Copy the dll file you downloaded to the MiKTeX 2.5 bin directory, i.e., the directory pointed in the field TeX executables.
    2. Set the TeX distribution to based on MiKTeX.
    3. Set the font searching library to dvi_miktex25.dll (you should type the name, not select from the list).
    4. Close the dialog by pressing OK.
  4. Restart LEd.
  5. Now you should be able to see the build-in DVI viewer working.


We know that this is not the most elegant way, but there is no other way to make the build-in viewer working under LEd 0.46 beta release. The 0.50 release allows you to choose MiKTeX 2.5 distribution and no dvi_miktex25.dll in MiKTeX's bin directory is necessary so please upadte.

Latex Editor Pdf


Extensions, additional packages, tools, etc.

Latex Editor Reddit

You can extend your main version of LEd by downloading some packages from the add-ons page. Alternatively, you can download these extensions directly from LEd (menu ConfigurationAdd ons).