Ssh Config Forward X11

X11 (also known as X Windows, or X forshort) is a Linux graphical windowing system. X was specifically designed tobe used over network connections rather than on an attached display device. Theconcept is similar to Microsoft's Remote Desktop, but it works on aprogram-by-program basis.

  • The security risk of using X11 forwarding is that the client's X11 display server may be exposed to attack when the SSH client requests forwarding (see the warnings for ForwardX11 in sshconfig(5)). A system administrator may have a stance in which they want to protect clients that may expose themselves to attack by unwittingly requesting X11.
  • Ssh/config file for email protected # # Forward X11 and Auth to hosts, they can be trusted ForwardAgent yes.
  • Config for SFTP. Public keys in SSH. Public keys in SSH. SSH client as service. X11 forwarding with Bitvise SSH Client.

The settings within 'config.ssh' relate to configuring how Vagrantwill access your machine over SSH. As with most Vagrant settings, thedefaults are typically fine, but you can fine tune whatever. Enabling X11 forwarding and agent forwarding Developers, students, and researchers often want to enable X11 forwarding and SSH agent forwarding. These allow running graphical applications remotely and eliminate the need for typing a password whenever moving from one server to another, respectively.


The instructions below are for connecting to Eniac using X11 forwarding.


Penn VPN software is required for all SSH connections fromnetworks that are outside of PennNet.

Configure Ssh X11 Forwarding On Debian 10

Before connecting to a machine on PennNet via SSH from an external network,you must install and run the University Client VPN software:


SSH to Eniac using the -Y option (enables trusted X11 forwarding):

ssh -Y

Linux X11 Forwarding

You can now start X11 GUI applications from the command line. For a quicktest, type the following command in your terminal to run the xeyesapplication:



X11 on OS X isprovided by XQuartz. Once you haveit installed and running, open a terminal and type:

ssh -Y

You can now start X11 GUI applications from the command line. For a quicktest, type the following command in your terminal to run the xeyesapplication:



Xming is therecommended application for X11 forwarding on Windows systems. You may alsoneed to install Xming-fontsin some application like Cadence.

Using Xming and SecureCRT to connect to Eniac

If you are already using SecureCRT, this is the easiest way to do X11forwarding with Xming.

Ssh Config X11 Forwarding Mac

  1. Install Xming and make sure it is running (you should see a black X icon in your taskbar).
  2. In SecureCRT, edit the settings of your connection.
  3. Navigate to Connection > Port Forwarding > Remote/X11.
  4. Click the check beside 'Foward X11 packets'. Click OK.

Ssh X11 Forwarding Linux

That's it. As long as Xming is running in the background, X11 forwarding should work seamlessly.

Using Xming and XLaunch to connect to Eniac


Configure Ssh X11 Forwarding

  1. Once Xming is installed, run XLaunch and select the display setting you want to use:

  2. From the next menu choose to Start a program and click Next >.

  3. Configure a remote connection to the server using'' as the computer you want to connect to, andyour username in the 'Login as user' field. You can choose to leavethe password field blank - you will be prompted later. Click Next>.

  4. In the 'Additional parameters for PuTTY or SSH' field, enter'-X -ssh -2' ((-X) will forward X11 Packets , (-ssh) will forceplink.exe to create a secure connection and (-2) will force plink.exe to useSSH2. Click Next >.

  5. And finally you will be prompted to save your configuration. When you saveconfgurations the default name is config.xlaunch. You can name them whateveryou want to but the extension will need to be.xlaunch.For example: Eniac.xlaunch. Onceyou've saved your configuration, click Finish.