Calibre Gmx

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Broken passwords, leaked photos, stolen credit card numbers. Have you been affected by at least one of these crimes? I bet you did, even if you didn’t realize that. You and I both give out our private information like it’s candy. And then we must trust this data stays safe. But – as you probably heard – it doesn’t. Just this year we learned that personal information of 1 billion users of Yahoo!, 165 million users of LinkedIn and 68 million users of Dropbox were compromised. And just two years ago, we’ve seen an enormous leak of Sony Pictures correspondence and files.Personal data is stolen by hackers in large numbers.As we stay online, day and night, we also encounter bad and malicious websites and software. Programs that can steal directly from our devices. It’s not unusual that you wonder if calibre is safe.
Calibre is one of the most popular eBook library managers. It’s used on more than 3 million devices and is widely recommended online. Most avid eReader users have heard the name “calibre”. It’s free, it’s powerful and it’s easy to use. But what makes calibre safe? Let’s break it down.

Calibre Has No Secrets

First of all, calibre is open-source. It means that its source code is publicly available to inspect, change and distribute. You can see it for yourself on the most popular source code repository, GitHub. It might sound dangerous, but it’s not. And here’s why: every change made to calibre is checked and approved by the community of its developers. And calibre’s creator, Kovid Goyal, keeps a close watch. All calibre’s developers hang out at an open forum and you can see for yourself what they’re up to.

Because the work is so transparent, everyone who spots a problem can report it to others. Commercial software usually doesn’t allow people who don’t work for them to see the insides of their product. Fewer eyes mean fewer chances to catch a bug and fix it.

Because everyone can change calibre, it’s important to download it from its homepage. That way you can be sure it’s unchanged and safe. You can also double-check the files using checksums: they’ll tell you if the file was changed by anyone.

Calibre Does Not Collect, Store or Share Your Personal Information

Personally identifiable information about your collection, devices and usage are not collected or shared with anyone. The only data calibre will send outside your device without asking is anonymous: your IP address (just to find out in which country you use calibre), the program’s version and your operating system. If you use the news fetching feature, the only information left on calibre’s server about that is that someone downloaded news from a particular source.

This allows the developers to make calibre better suited to your needs and be sure the program runs smoothly for everyone. Compiled stats are available publicly on calibre’s homepage and no individual user’s statistics are kept.

Information About Your Device Stays on That Device

Calibre Gmail Settings

When you first connect your device to calibre, the program will scan its contents: it will check all the books and save their metadata in a file on that device. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly check if your eBooks are already on this device or vice versa. The way calibre manages your devices can be changed in the program’s preferences.


Share Your Library Securely With calibre

If you want to send eBooks to your device without connecting it with a cable, you can email them. Using calibre you can also email eBooks to anyone else. There are two mechanisms you can use: direct mail (default) and send via a provider.Direct email sends the messages without intermediaries, using your just your computer to connect to the recipient’s host. Because this method can also be used to send fabricated emails, many email providers do not accept emails sent in this fashion.

The second method makes calibre act as an e-mail manager in that way that it uses email login information you provide to connect to your account and send the message with the eBook attached. It can be your personal account, but you can setup a separate account, e.g. on GMX. This login data is stored securely on your device and no one else has access to it. Both TLS and SSL encryption are available. Remember, that if you send your eBooks to your device using email, you will use your device manufacturer’s cloud services and they will have access to the content you sent.
Another way to share your library is to enable calibre Content Server. That way, based on your internet provider and hardware, you can set up a public or a local site that will enable guests to download eBooks straight from your computer. Calibre supports protecting this content with a username and a password you set up and makes all logs accessible only to you, so you can check who accessed what and when.

More Than Ten Years of Excellence

Since its creation in 2006, calibre has received numerous positive reviews from experts and users alike. called calibre “the best eBook manager available”, PC Advisor said that calibre “belongs on every serious e-bookshelf”, while said it’s “an all-in-one solution for handling your eBooks”. Source Forge users gave calibre 4.7/5.0 rating. It has been featured in the New York Times, the Kindle Chronicles, Wired and many more.Calibre also has many options and features you can use to manage your privacy and safety of your data. You just need to dive in to the “Preferences” tab.So – don’t worry, calibre is safe. It is used by millions. It doesn’t collect your personal data. And dozens of developers strive fix any issues and harden its security. The only thing you need to remember is to download it from its official website.
This blog post was contributed by Bartosz Makuch, a Freelance Software Copywriter. He studied Physics and Management and loves to write stories that move people. In his spare time he listens to classic rock and reads sci-fi novels. You can find him at

calibre has a highly modular design. Various parts of it can be customized. You can learn how to createrecipes to add new sources of online content to calibre in the Section Adding your favorite news website. Here, you will learn,first, how to use environment variables and tweaks to customize calibre’s behavior, and then how tospecify your own static resources like icons and templates to override the defaults and finally how touse plugins to add functionality to calibre.

  • CALIBRE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY - sets the folder where configuration files are stored/read.

  • CALIBRE_TEMP_DIR - sets the temporary folder used by calibre

  • CALIBRE_CACHE_DIRECTORY - sets the folder calibre uses to cache persistent data between sessions

  • CALIBRE_OVERRIDE_DATABASE_PATH - allows you to specify the full path to metadata.db. Using this variable you can have metadata.db be in a location other than the library folder. Useful if your library folder is on a networked drive that does not support file locking.

  • CALIBRE_DEVELOP_FROM - used to run from a calibre development environment. See Setting up a calibre development environment.

  • CALIBRE_OVERRIDE_LANG - used to force the language used by the interface (ISO 639 language code)

  • CALIBRE_TEST_TRANSLATION - used to test a translation .po file (should be the path to the .po file)

  • CALIBRE_NO_NATIVE_FILEDIALOGS - causes calibre to not use native file dialogs for selecting files/folders.

  • CALIBRE_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR - causes calibre to not create a native (global) menu on Ubuntu Unity and similar linux desktop environments. The menu is instead placed inside the window, as is traditional.

  • CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME - by default, on Linux, calibre uses its ownbuiltin Qt style. This is to avoid crashes and hangs caused by incompatibilitiesbetween the version of Qt calibre is built against and the system Qt. Thedownside is that calibre may not follow the system look and feel. Ifyou set this environment variable on Linux, it will cause calibre to usethe system theme – beware of crashes and hangs.

  • CALIBRE_SHOW_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS - causes calibre to print deprecation warnings to stdout. Useful for calibre developers.

  • CALIBRE_NO_DEFAULT_PROGRAMS - prevent calibre from automatically registering the filetypes it is capable of handling with Windows.

  • CALIBRE_USE_DARK_PALETTE - set it to 1 to have calibre use dark colors and 0 for normal colors (ignored on macOS).On Windows 10 in the absence of this variable, the Windows system preference for dark colors is used.

  • SYSFS_PATH - Use if sysfs is mounted somewhere other than /sys

  • http_proxy, https_proxy - used on Linux to specify an HTTP(S) proxy

See How to set environment variables in Windows. If you are on macOSyou can set environment variables by creating the ~/Library/Preferences/calibre/macos-env.txt and puttingthe environment variables one per line in it, for example:

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Tweaks are small changes that you can specify to control various aspects of calibre’s behavior. You can change them by going to Preferences->Advanced->Tweaks.The default values for the tweaks are reproduced below


calibre has direct support for icon themes, there are several icon themesavailable for calibre, that you can use by going to Preferences → Interface → Look & Feel → Change Icon theme.The icon themes use the same mechanism as described below for overriding static resources.

calibre allows you to override the static resources, like icons, JavaScript andtemplates for the metadata jacket, catalogs, etc. with customized versions thatyou like. All static resources are stored in the resources sub-folder of thecalibre install location. On Windows, this is usually C:ProgramFilesCalibre2appresources.On macOS, /Applications/ On Linux, ifyou are using the binary installer from the calibre website it will be/opt/calibre/resources. These paths can change depending on where youchoose to install calibre.

You should not change the files in this resources folder, as your changes willget overwritten the next time you update calibre. Instead, go toPreferences → Advanced → Miscellaneous and clickOpen calibre configuration folder. In this configuration folder, create asub-folder called resources and place the files you want to override in it.Place the files in the appropriate sub folders, for example place images inresources/images, etc. calibre will automatically use your custom filein preference to the built-in one the next time it is started.

Calibre Email Setup

Calibre gmx account

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For example, if you wanted to change the icon for the Remove booksaction, you would first look in the built-in resources folder and see that therelevant file is resources/images/remove_books.png. Assuming you have analternate icon in PNG format called my_remove_books.png you would save it inthe configuration folder as resources/images/remove_books.png. All theicons used by the calibre user interface are in resources/images andits sub-folders.

Calibre Gmx Account

If you have created a beautiful set of icons and wish to share them with othercalibre users via calibre’s builtin icon theme support, you can easily packageup your icons into a theme. To do so, go toPreferences → Miscellaneous → Create icon theme, select the folderwhere you have put your icons (usually the resources/images folder inthe calibre config folder, as described above). Then fill up the thememetadata and click OK. This will result in a ZIP file containing the themeicons. You can upload that to the calibre forum at Mobileread and then I willmake your theme available via calibre’s builtin icon theme system.

Calibre Gmx Setup

calibre has a very modular design. Almost all functionality in calibre comes in the form of plugins. Plugins are used for conversion, for downloading news (though these are called recipes), for various components of the user interface, to connect to different devices, to process files when adding them to calibre and so on. You can get a complete list of all the built-in plugins in calibre by going to Preferences → Advanced → Plugins.

Calibre Gmx

You can write your own plugins to customize and extend the behavior of calibre. The plugin architecture in calibre is very simple, see the tutorial Writing your own plugins to extend calibre’s functionality.