
Currently, Gephi is being used by the IT Business Systems group and perhaps a few members of Research and Product Development. The IT group is always looking for new and interesting ways to visualize our data, and Gephi was the first tool I found that had a quick and easy way to load and analyze data from a graph-centric point of view.

Gephi 0.9.2

Apache Hadoop® is an open source software framework that provides highly reliable distributed processing of large data sets using simple programming models. Hadoop, known for its scalability, is built on clusters of commodity computers, providing a cost-effective solution for storing and processing massive amounts of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data with no format requirements.

  • Images with Borders and Image Padding. Images with Opacity. Label Width and Height Settings.
  • These can be imported into AntConc to create lemma word lists. AntBNC Lemma List (ver. 004) An automatically generated English lemma list based on all words in the BNC corpus with a frequency greater than 2 (created by Laurence Anthony).
  • If you have Gephi open, you must close and reopen Gephi before new options take effect. On computers with 2GB of memory, you can set -Xmx1400 to get maximum performance. How to edit gephi.conf: On Windows, go to the Gephi folder in Start menu and click on Startup Settings. Edit this file with Notepad or WordPad.

A data lake architecture including Hadoop can offer a flexible data management solution for your big data analytics initiatives. Because Hadoop is an open source software project and follows a distributed computing model, it can offer a lower total cost of ownership for a big data software and storage solution.

Hadoop can also be installed on cloud servers to better manage the compute and storage resources required for big data. Leading cloud vendors such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure offer solutions. Cloudera supports Hadoop workloads both on-premises and in the cloud, including options for one or more public cloud environments from multiple vendors.

Gephi is an open-source and multiplatform software distributed under the dual license CDDL 1.0 and GNU General Public License v3.

Official Releases

Release Notes | System Requirements | Installation instructions

Gephi 0.9.2 is the latest stable release.

If you have an older Gephi on your computer, you should uninstall it first, see the installation instructions.

All downloads:
Download Gephi 0.9.2 for Mac OS X
Download Gephi 0.9.2 for Windows
Download Gephi 0.9.2 for Linux
Download Gephi 0.9.2 sources
Download Older Versions

Gephi uses GitHub to host the source code and track issues. The trunk repository is the most up-to-date version but may be unstable. The last stable version is located in the release tab on GitHub.


Localization is available in French, Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Czech and German. In Gephi, simply go to Tools -> Languages to switch.

Data sets

Web/Internet, Social Networks, Biological Networks, Infrastructures and others…
If you are looking for data samples to test Gephi, look at the wiki.

Learn how to use Gephi

Gephi Software

See the Learn page that contains all the documentation to learn how to use Gephi, or jump directly to the Tutorial Quick Start!

Gephi is free and open source software, developed by the non-profit Gephi Consortium. Discover the missions of our community on our Manifesto.

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