- The black obsidian stone is a potent cleanser of the psychic smog made within the aura, and is considered as a powerful psychic protection stone. This stone also has a powerful metaphysical properties, which may assist in shielding you against negativities.
- Obsidian is a wonderful crystal tool for detoxing. Obsidian may be helpful in dissolving blockages and tensions in the physical and subtle bodies, including hardened arteries. Obsidian may reduce the pain of arthritis and alleviate joint problems, cramps, and injuries. Obsidian warms the extremities and may be helpful for increased circulation.
- Green obsidian is a somewhat rare form of obsidian that can run from an opaque with a green sheen to almost translucent. Many people are drawn to this glass gemlike stone. Both of its color and for its benefits as a healing crystal. Are you interested in a particular topic.
- Rainbow Obsidian has a lot of things in common with the Black one. Like Black Obsidian, it clears and purifies the aura. Like all varieties of Obsidian, it is a stone of truth that shows us the nature of reality. But while regular Obsidian can reveal the truth harshly, Rainbow Obsidian tells it more gently.
Obsidian is the result of volcanic lava coming in contact with water. Often the lava pours into a lake or ocean and is cooled quickly. This process produces a glassy texture in the resulting rock. Iron and magnesium give the obsidian a dark green, brown or black colour.

Obsidianis volcanic glass. It often has flow lines that create interestingeffects. Gold sheen and silver sheen obsidian's display gold andsilver shimmerings when polished, rainbow obsidian displays differentcolors, etc. Obsidian has a reputation for being difficult to polish.Usually the reason for difficult polishing is that coarse grits cancreate a fairly deep fracture zone that doesn't come out when thestone is cut at finer grits. Another problem is obsidian doesn'tpolish well if it gets too hot. So, if you don't use super coarsegrinding wheels and if you keep your polishing wheel slow and wet,good results will easily be obtained. Diamond wheel finishing workswell.
Usually Obsidian is a jetblack stone with a vitreous (glassy) lustre. Just like glass, obsidiantends to shatter into sharp fragments when hit hard, this strength andbrittleness have resulted in its use as sharp cutting implements andweapons such as spear and arrowheads or inserted into wood madewonderful clubs. Pure obsidian is usually dark in appearance, thoughthe color varies depending on the presence of impurities. Iron andmagnesium typically give the obsidian a dark brown to black color. Veryfew samples are nearly colorless. In some stones, the inclusion ofsmall, white, radially clustered crystals of quartzlike cristobalite inthe black glass produce a blotchy or snowflake pattern (snowflakeobsidian). It may contain patterns of gas bubbles remaining from thelava flow, aligned along layers created as the molten rock was flowingbefore being cooled. These bubbles can produce interesting effects suchas a golden sheen (sheen obsidian) or an iridescent, rainbow-like sheen(rainbow obsidian).
Obsidian is a stone formed by lava that didn’t have enough time to cool into glass. This volcanic glass aids in protection, grounding, and spiritual communication. Known as a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, Black Obsidian gets rid of all the junk and cleanses all negativity out of your auric field and environment. This stone has powerful grounding frequencies and will heavily assist in psychic protection when needed. Obsidian also brings out all of our creative energies so that they may be intertwined and influence our every action. As humans, it’s important to constinalty be using our creative energies to keep them free-flowing at ease. When we reduce our output of creativity, these energies begin to go dormant as if they will never be needed again. It’s very hard to re-ignite certain creative energies so it is best to constantly be using them.
Obsidian (Black) Products
Obsidian Meaning In Hindi
Obsidian Meaning Crystal
View Our Obsidian (Black) ProductsObsidian was first mentioned in the Latin scripted book “Natural History” by Pliny the Elder in 77 AD. Traces of obsidian being used as weapon/tools date as far back as 7,000 years ago. Obsidian was highly valued in the ancient world for arrowheads and blades as they were easily able to be worked with, yet very durable. Obsidian’s most interesting fact about its past usage is that it was polished for the sole purpose of being used as early mirrors before glass was established.
Obsidian works well with a number of other stones, assisting and enhancing each other’s energy. It works specifically well with Jet and Smokey Quartz when aiding in grounding. Jet and Obsidian are both very powerful and stay on high vibrational frequencies resulting in the highest protection while diving you deep into the Earth. Smokey Quartz, being a stone aiding in the transmutation of negative energies, will work extremely well with the powerful cleansing effects of Obsidian. While the Obsidian cleanses the auric field of the user, the Smokey Quartz transmutes that energy into positivity the user can then use to better themselves. Obsidian also works will with Moldavite in clearing all energies, allowing the highest level of self-transformation to take place

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