Swift Syntax Cheat Sheet

No looking back now.

You've come to this tutorial because you want to learn Swift, Apple's newprogramming language for making iOS and MacOS apps. This tutorial is bringingtogether various resources to swiftly (ha!) and thoroughly introduce eachcomponent of the Swift Programming Language.

There was an initial frenzy of excitement around the new language in June whenApple introduced Swift at WWDC 2014. Since then, the various beta bugs and thefact that no devices supported apps built in Swift has led to a bit of adecline in Swift's popularity. Well Swift is now in release 1.0 and iOS8 willsoon be in the hands of millions of developers and consumers alike. There hasnever been a better time to dive into Swift.

Swift is in its infancy. This tutorial is going to evolve and change as welearn more about the language and the applications of the concepts we cover. Weare also constantly looking for more and better resources for each topic. Withthat in mind, you can find the raw markdown for this tutorialover at Github. If you find good Swift resources that aren't mentioned here,feel free to submit a pull request!

We'd like to give a special thanks to the great folks over atSwiftcast for kick-starting this tutorial. If youhave any questions or comments tweet them at@SwiftCastTV!

Swift 5.1 Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference. // Initializer syntax let anotherEmptyString // Mutating a string displays the Using string String message. Swift 4 Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference Source: raywenderlich.com. Visit for more iOS resources and tutorials! Microsoft Word - RW-Swift-Cheatsheet-0. A cheat sheet of Swift closure snippets and examples I've collected over time to help get syntax and usage right the first time. General Notes Closures are reference types. Swift (1) Syntaxe (1) Syntaxes (1) Tsql (1) Variablen (1) Wiki (1) Language(s). DRAFT: MySQL Syntax Cheat Sheet. The MySQL syntax.


To work through this tutorial you'll need a fully functioning Apple developersetup. This includes


We expect a plethora of learning resources to come out for Swift now that thelanguage is out of beta. Luckily, many resources are already available and thisheavily leverages the following (and they are all free!):

  • The Swift Programming Language ebook from Apple (also available on iBooks)
  • The MadApper Swift Video Series
  • The Skip Wilson Swift Video Series

One Last Thing

This entire tutorial can be done in a playground: an interactive environmentthat exists in xcode that allows you to code and receive immediate results fromyour code without having to compile an app. Before actually learning aboutSwift, learn how to create and navigate around playgrounds.

Now you are going to dive into the language itself. The goal of this section isto get a handle on the syntax, operators, and data types in Swift.

Swift Syntax

When learning a new language syntax, it is recommended that you immediatelystart writing in the language as much as possible. Apple's 'A Swift Tour'chapter of The Swift Programming Guide provides an overview of Swift Syntaxas well as a set of 'experiments', short exercises that let you write someSwift code focusing on a different aspect of the Swift Syntax.

Swift Syntax Cheat SheetSheet


Along with the experiments in the Swift ebook, we are including two blog postsabout reserved words and operators that can serve as reference materials.

Swift Types

Swift syntax cheat sheet template

If you've made it this far you've read that one of the good parts about Swiftis that it is a type-safe language. Even without having any idea what thatmeans, you can probably assume the section in this tutorial about types isimportant. For learning about types, the MadApper video series and Apple'sdocumentation pair nicely. Types in Swift can be confusing because there arefour categories of types: named types, compound types, value types, andreference types. Each type in Swift is a compound type or a named type as wellas either a reference type or a value type. Confused yet? No worries, we'llsort all of this out.

Swift syntax cheat sheet 2019


For Types, do the readings first before watching the videos on the specifictypes.



We can take all of our knowledge of the various data types in Swift and givethem new functionality. Extensions allow us to give types new methods to suitthe needs of our applications. For this, watch a long and awesome video oncreating an extension and don't forget only named types can be extended.


Okay now things get exciting. We are going to cover optionals, loops,functions, and closures. These concepts allow us to allow our code to do thingsonly under certain conditions. Armed with this knowledge and what you'velearned so far, you will be able to write code more concisely and you'll evenbe able to write the logic for basic games.

Loops and Conditionals

Control flow constructs in Swift allow us to iterate over collections, loopthrough a chunk of code multiple times, and execute code based on conditionalstatements. The MadApper series does a good job of covering these concepts


Optional are a concept that is introduced in Swift and has no parallel in C orObjective-C. Using them effectively can prevent some common programming errorsand increase the type safety of your code.


Functions and Closures

Functions and Closures are self-contained blocks of code functionality. That isa vague explanation because functions and closures have very broad uses and cantake many forms. For this section, jump in with two long (and excellent) videotutorials from Skip Wilson to get a practical crash course.

Functions and closures can take many forms in Swift. The difference between afunction and a closure can also be hard to grasp. The videos cover thebasics, but these readings will give you a more complete understanding.

Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language. Swift preserves many ofthe object-oriented ideas and constructs from Objective-C and you'll need to becomfortable with these concepts to write apps in Swift.


Methods, Properties, and Initializers were covered in the videos, but the Swiftebook is a good place to get a detailed explanation of each of those ideas.

Now for a few practical readings on Swift objects

Testing is important to driving the design of our applications, ensuring theybehave as we expect, and documenting our code.


Meet the Gang

There is an array of libraries to use for testing. Whether your flavor is BDDor just plain old TDD there is something for everyone!

  • Sleipinr is a BDD style testing framework for Swift.
  • Quick is another BDD style testing framework for Swift.
  • Nimble is a compliment to Quick. It's a Matchers framework.

When it comes to actually building apps in Swift, it is paramount to get anunderstanding of the various SDKs provided by Apple to get a sense for all ofdeep functionality that Apple provides for developers and to prevent yourselffrom trying to write code for functionality that already exists in an SDK orlibrary. In fact, we recommend always looking for a trusted library beforeembarking on writing your own functionality (except, of course, if you'rewriting it yourself to better learn Swift).

Sprite Kit

Sprite Kit gives developers the ability to create simple or advanced 2D gamesby providing animation and physics functionality.


Swift 5 Pdf

Tools, tricks, and tips for both novice and senior Swift developers.

Swift Syntax Cheat Sheet 2019
